Deposits - HAS Property Management


On the day you move into the property you will have to pay a dilapidation deposit of the equivalent of five weeks rent. This must be paid in cleared funds, if you pay with a personal cheque you will not be able to move in until it has cleared in our clients account. The deposit will be held in our clients account for the duration of the tenancy.

Prior to your vacation of the property you will receive a letter from HAS confirming your leaving date and advising you of what terms you will need to adhere by to receive the return of your full deposit.

The property must be left in a clean and tidy condition, if any further cleaning or clearing rubbish etc… is required this charge will be deducted from your deposit.

If all the terms of your agreement are successfully adhered to and all rental payments are up to date your deposit will be returned promptly. Your deposit cannot be used to clear your last month rental payment. Any arrears or damage will result in deductions from your deposit and therefore a delay in its return.

All deposit (with effect from April 2007) are registered under the Tenancy Deposit Scheme. For full details of this scheme please contact our offices directly. The deposit is held for the duration of your occupation in a particular premises.